Mission Management System(MMS) is designed for developing and managing critical missions in larger distributed theatres of operation and control. MMS is derived from the Celestain IC3 Platform. MMS provides a real-time environment to host the mission applications. It automates the mission planning, execution, monitoring and control. The mission environment provides the resources, information and services required to plan and execute mission applications.

MMS is an integrated Communication-Command-Control system. It integrates the physically, geographically and logically distributed resources and information at various levels of command & control hierarchy. The Information integration is accomplished through the communication systems and the private internetworking of MMS. MMS implements System Wide Information Management and maintains the global information with real-time updates.

MMS maintains the real-time status of the mission resources. Mission resources include people, mission equipment, communication systems, navigation systems, vehicles and mission data. MMS performs diagnostics to assess the status of each resource. MMS allocates and assigns resources to the missions. Mission plans are generated by the control center in the templates provided by MMS. MMS assists the mission planning by identifying available and capable resources and data. Mission plans can be nested and inter-related to build a coordinated mission with distributed controls. Missions are automatically executed by MMS on occurrence of the trigger event. MMS continually monitors the mission plans and updates the status in real-time. The integrated mission information is available through the MMS Internetwork with single access point connectivity.

MMS tracks the mission plans and their actual status. MMS identifies the occurrence of mission exceptions, failures or delay in a dependent event. It predicts the end results and the impacted mission parameters. MMS develops alternatives plans using WIS Analytics and proposes to the control center. The alternative planning is performed in a global context of mission interdependencies. MMS implements context-based information routing. A mission and its resource receive the precise command & control information at the required instant for its current needs at its location. Intuitive MMS features to are as follows:

Mission Management Environment

MMS hosts mission applications and provides user-configurable communication and mission management environment. MMS enables development of mission applications. MMS applications use the mission management environment to plan, execute and monitor & control the missions.

Unified Secure Communication

MMS supports a wide range of heterogeneous communication systems, technologies and networks. MMS connects the mission resources through the communication infrastructure.

Private Secured Network

MMS implements private networks and super network. It provides continuous real-time situational awareness to mission participants and commanders across filed locations and command & control centers. MMS implements single access point connectivity.

Resource Management

The Resource Management Service maintains the real-time status of the mission resources. Resources include people, mission equipment, communication equipment, navigation equipment, command & control clients, sensors, networks, information sources, transport vehicles and external services.

Mission Application

Mission Manager can configure the mission applications, resource communication, mission tasks, procedure and decision logics using the templates.

Mission Management

MMS manages missions with levels of autonomy, as configured. It plans, executes and monitors & controls the missions with the mission manager’s decision support.

System-wide Information Management

MMS System-Wide Information Management (SWIM) maintains the status of each mission resource and plan. The information is system-wide synchronized in real-time. Resource-racing and task conflicts are resolved by the SWIM.

Real-time Situational Awareness

SWIM maintains the status of the entire system of resources and activities. Real-time status of an item is presented in the contexts of filed, local, regional and central views. Geospatial, graphical, video, audio and overlays presentations are inbuilt in to MMS.

Context-based Information Routing

Context-based Information Routing ability determines the sources-destinations of information in real-time mission context. This feature ensures that the required information for a mission is automatically transferred from its respective source(s) to the destination(s) at the required time.

WIS Analytics

MMS implements What-If-Scenario analytics on the SWIM and mission plans to deduce alternatives for a plan approaching exception or failure status. Best-effort alternatives are proposed to restore the mission plan.

Health Monitor

MMS Health Monitor performs prognostics and diagnostics on the resources and MMS internal functions. Health Monitor coordinates with the System Performance and System Availability functions to maintain the system at the required performance and availability.

Security Infrastructure

MMS implements multilayered end-to-end security against the threats and vulnerabilities. The security protocols and encryption algorithms are configurable by the user.

System Performance

MMS System Performance function monitors the internal system metrics and Health Monitor’s reports. It implements prediction algorithms to forecast the system performance. It reports the performance status and predictions for administrator’s actions.

System Availability

MMS System Availability function monitors the computing, communication and network resources. It automatically loads the redundancy configurations when a predefined exception, degradation or failure pattern occurs. It alerts the administrator when undefined exception, degradation or failures is detected.

Status Reporting

MMS provides customizable report templates. MMS reports the system, performance, availability, integrity and security. It reports the status of the resources, operations and missions.

MMS Specifications

MMS performance, availability and security features are designed to assure mission success under all scenarios of loading, failures, threats and attacks:

  • System design and configuration to support 100% availability
  • Real-time status within 1 second of detection of an event in the system
  • WISA and Alternative Plans within 1 second from the exception or failure
  • Unlimited scalability in capacity and geographic coverage
  • Context-based User Interface with reduced HMI interaction steps and time